Get Ahead of the Game!

Load students’ course requests into your schedule and see conflicts, if any, well in advance.

Whilst creating all your class schedules for the next year, it may be the best schedule you are envisioning but only until you load your students’ course requests is when you will be able to truly see how well it works. When your school is offering a variety of electives and options, creating the best schedule becomes more complicated once the students are added in. This is especially true for high schools that are offering a lot of different choices. You need to ensure you create a good schedule for your students to be excited about.

Complex Schedules

This task becomes even more challenging when schools and districts have a large student population. No one will be able to predict how the schedule can look like when you are dealing with thousands of course requests and this becomes a major curveball to most master schedulers.

This is when Orchestra comes in. We take great care in being able to help you uncover all the conflicts in your online master schedule before the term even starts. By just uploading your students into the perfect school scheduler builder within Orchestra, you can automatically fix the conflicts easily. See exactly how the courses are spread out throughout the master schedule builder and you are even able to check for the student distribution through our reports and beautifully designed screens.

The Orchestra master scheduler will help you pre-enroll students into courses, in bulk, in many different ways. This can either be done by the course request you have made yourself, or you can enable students to submit their requests online via the student portal, or even collect the course requests you already have listed in your occurring SIS. These different options are offered in order to make course scheduling for the upcoming year a breeze!


Scheduling made easy, get started now.

Sign up and test drive our Online Master Scheduler today. If you need more than just a Master
Scheduler, you can also contact us to design a custom package for your school.